Healthy Tea Uric/Swarna Soursop Tea/Ant Nest/Hypertension/Habbatussaudah/Rheumatic GOOD Healthy Tea Uric/Swarna Soursop Tea/Ant Nest/Hypertension/Habbatussaudah/Rheumatic GOOD

Healthy Tea Uric/Swarna Soursop Tea/Ant Nest/Hypertension/Habbatussaudah/Rheumatic GOOD


Up For Sale is :

1 (One) Box of various Healthy Tea:

Choose from the drop down menu:

1. Uric Tea (15 teabags)

Traditionally Helps reduce pain and inflammation in the joints.

Ingredients :Plantaginis Herba, Anacardium occidentale folium, Perseae grattisimae folium, Sanchi Folium, Zingiberis Rhizoma

Drink twice a day (one teabag once)

2. Sour Sop Tea (25 teabags) - Plus Caladium of a rat (type of plants)

Traditionally used to fight free radicals. 

Ingredients : Soursop extract

Drink twice a day (one teabag once)

3. Ant Nest Tea ( 25 teabags)

Ingredients : Premium Ant Nest

Traditionally helps in fighting cancer or tumour, assist in  for various disease

Drink twice a day (one teabag once)

4. Hypertension Tea Plus ( 25 teabags)

Ingredients :Mengkudu plus Celery

Traditionally helps in hypertension condition

Drink twice a day (one teabag once)

5. Habbatussaudah Tea (25 teabags)

Wonderful mixes of traditional ingredients, help in Cancer and tumours, boost immune system

Ingredients : Habbatussaudah, misai kucing

Drink twice a day (one teabag once)

6. Rheumatic Tea ( 25 teabags)

Helps in relieving rheumatic conditions

Ingredients : Temulawak, Salam, Meniran, Sanggolangit

Drink twice a day (one teabag once)

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