Luxury Auto Finesse Desire Carnauba Car Wax 250 mL Limited Ed. Car Care Waxing
- $200.00
- $200.00
1 (unit) Auto Finesse Car Wax - Desire 250 mL Limited Edition
Desire car wax is a testament to the pride Auto Finesse have in the world of car care, a specially developed, limited edition car wax formulated to be the best of the best, hold no bars and go all out in creating a wax worthy of any vehicle paintwork, with outstanding durability and that trademark Auto Finesse deep rich glossy look, this the wax for the connoisseurs of the car care world.
Presented in storage presentation box, individually marked with unique unit of 500 mark and only 500 pots in circulation around the world, this is the wax many desire.
Directions for use:
1: Ensure bodywork is clean, dry and free from contaminants
2: If necessary treat paintwork prior to application with a paintwork cleanser
3: Apply wax sparingly with a waxmate foam applicator pad to form an even film
4: Leave to cure for at least 3 hours before layering
5: If necessary rebuff the surface with a fresh, cleanmicrofiber cloth
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